Wednesday morning is coffee morning at Rolleston Village Hall, from 10:30 - 12:00 every week. Everyone is welcome and it is free with a very friendly and welcoming group of people. On the first Wednesday of the month, instead of a coffee morning, we serve a two course lunch (£2.50) at noon along with a raffle which funds the other coffee mornings. Also, on the third Wednesday of every month there is the addition of bacon rolls. For further details contact Amanda Beswick on 07779 561934.
Rolleston Parish Council meets at Rolleston Village Hall on the first Monday of every month at 7:30pm (in the case of a Bank Holiday meetings are usually moved to the following week). All are welcome to attend with dedicated time in each meeting set aside for anyone to speak. While the Parish Council make considerable efforts to represent the Parish and Rolleston Village as a whole, please be aware the Council cannot please everyone all of the time.
Meeting every Tuesday from 7 until 9 at Rolleston Village Hall for only £3 (including refreshments). Don't worry as there is no experience required and bowls are available to borrow. For further details contact Peter Salter on 01636 819197.
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